The Heritage
Feel it.
Think of Sophia Loren. Think of a silk scarve, with big polka dots, wrapped around the hair. Think of Lago di Garda. Think of the world’s best materials and relentless craftmanship. Think of the raw power. Think of the waves, think of the sun and feel the breeze.

Respect for the history.
The appearance of the boats resembles the original, classically beautiful design language. The slimline hull encloses an efficient engine.
Each ride on these boats is a delightful experience that is to be remembered! Woodbacker’s durable quality is also an investment that maintains its value from generation to generation.
Heritage is timeless.
There are only a few things that never truly go out of fashion. You are welcome to join the finest mahogany pleasure craft fleet out there.
Respect for the materials.
Each of the Woodbacker boats is an individual, built according to its owner’s wishes. The future owner gets to involve in the process from design to launch at the docks.
Woodbacker boats only use the world’s best materials: mahogany, leather and steel. Even the smallest details are carefully thought out and skillfully finished. The rich details are unique artisanal gems, specifically made on the site, one at a time. For example, most of the metal parts are made by us on our workshop, which makes them a perfect for Woodbacker boats. The leather is sewn on-site to fit the seats perfectly. No need for compromises or good enoughs.